Dr. Chitti Babu was born on the 13th of October 1936 in Kakinada, A.P. – The only child of late Shri Challapalli Ranga Rao and Sundaramma, he started learning Veena at the tender age of five and gave his first full fledged concert at the age of twelve and gained recognition as a child prodigy. He is the disciple of Late Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Emani Sankara Sastry.
A brief sojourn in the filed of film music during which he had also scored music for a few films preceded his foray into the filed of classical music. The expquisite tonal quality and sheer versatility that have been the maginal hall-marks of this genius have taken him to dizzy heights in his chose path. Accolades from the cognoscenti and the hoi-polioi alike have come in a deluge.
His music has transcended beyond man make barriers taking him and along with him, a part of our rich cultural heritage to almost every corner of the globe. He has many discs and cassettes to his credit and is a T.V. star a home and abroad.
An artiste who pursues with and instaiable zeal and dedication his motto: “Veena is my mission in life”

Programme on Doordarshan Compered by Padmashri Kamalhassan and produced by Flute HARIPRASAD CHAURASIA..